Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, wonderful people of all ages...
Today is the day we've all been waiting for. Calico Thunder Rides Again is officially here and is now available for your reading pleasure. If you preordered the eBook, it should be downloaded on your device of choice and ready to go. You can also purchase the eBook or hardcover now from these retailers. Paperbacks should be up on Amazon very soon if they aren't already. And, if you're interested in a signed copy, those can be found on my website.
If you do pick up a copy of the book, I would really appreciate if you could take the time to leave an honest review. Reviews are especially important to indie authors and can help the book reach it's target audience. It doesn't have to be long, just a few words letting others know what you thought of it. In the mean time, here are some snippets from early reviews that have already rolled in.
"I LOVED this dragon, and I LOVED this book!"
- Erin Michelle Sky, co-author of the Tales of the Wendy series
"Creative, well-crafted, and simply a fun read." - EJ Fisch, author of the Ziva Payvan series
"Plenty of fun, creativity, and atmosphere." - Goodreads reviewer
"AÂ nice and intriguing read from T.A. Hernandez." - Goodreads reviewer